Treasurer's Message

T. Noor Mohiuddin
In the name of Allah the most beneficent and the most merciful.
Assalamu Alaikum. I am happy to report that the year 2017-18 was a financially sound year for the CRESCENT HOSPITAL. We started with a balance of Rs.38.38 lakhs and at the end of the year we have a balance of Rs.50.57 lakhs. During the year our income from all departments of the Hospital was Rs.232 lakhs. Our magnanimous donors also blessed us with a donation of Rs.45.95 lakhs, including Ramazan donation of Rs.9.16 lakhs. During the year we recorded an expenditure of Rs.266.93 lakhs, which include both revenue and capital expenditure. The bulk of our expenditure viz. Rs. 105.98 lakhs was towards payment of salaries and honorarium to our Staff and Doctors/consultants. We purchased medicines and allied items worth Rs73.85 lakhs and spend Rs.21.07 lakhs on repair and maintenance of building and equipment. It is worthy of mention that we added new equipment worth Rs.39.62 lakhs to our fixed assets inventory.
The last Annual General Body approved our deficit Budget proposal of Rs283.70 lakhs towards anticipated income and Rs.314.85 lakhs towards proposed expenditure. However, the actual income and expenditure against the budgeted heads was Rs.269.15 lakhs and Rs.252.45 lakhs respectively. (The total expenditure mentioned above viz. Rs.266.93 lakhs also include other expenditure against non-budgeted heads.) Complete details are shown elsewhere in this report.
It is significant to mention that a few years back we had to borrow funds even to disburse salaries to staff and presently we are in a stable financial position. We are grateful to Almighty Allah for blessing us this strength and we also acknowledge with thanks the great help rendered by our President, Office Bearers, and Governing Body members as well as our Donors. This strength which we have gained is prompting us to plan further advancement for our popular centres of excellence like our Ophthalmic Centre. A state of the art centre involving huge funds is under execution. It is a matter of pride and pleasure that our Governing Body Members evinced keen interest in the progress of this OPHTHALMIC CENTRE and expressed inclination to mobilise funds for its execution. I fervently appeal to all our Members to liberally donate for the success of this project.
I express my gratitude to our President for his guidance and help in discharging my duties as Treasurer. I also place on record my thanks to our General Secretary, Other Office Bearers, our Auditor, Accountant as well as other Officers and staff of the Hospital for their help in effectively discharging my duties.
Finally I pray Allah SWT to guide us in performing duties assigned to us for the furtherance of the aims and objectives of the CRESCENT HOSPITAL.
Jazak Allah Khair,


Consultancy and Diagnosis

Our diagnostic health check methodology typically follows a three staged approach of Assessment, Diagnosis and Prescription.


Treatments and Surgeries

Advanced treatments and surgeries for a wide range of diseases with cheap hospital stays, affordable treatment cost and reasonable doctor’s fees.


Compassionate Nursing Care

Quality nursing care with competence and personal caring, supported by professionalism and delivered with an appropriate demeanor.