President's Message

Dr. Syed Khaleefathullah
Dear Brothers / Sisters,
Alhamdulillah, The Crescent Hospital which was established in 1946 as a small dispensary has passed through rough weather in its journey of over 70 years and has now attained the status of a Speciality Hospital with more than a dozen specialities catering to the needs of poor and needy irrespective of cast, creed or religion.
I had an opportunity to serve this great organization in various capacities over decades. In 1985 I was given the responsibility of the General Secretary which I was able to shoulder for 26 years and then as its President from 2011. Since then our team by the Grace of Almighty Allah have been marching forward for the development of this institution.
The development planning which had started about 30 years back and was slowly progressing, picked up its faster development phase in the last decade with the establishment of Dialysis Centre with (10) Ten units and the Ophthalmic Centre with the most sophisticated equipments are the pride of the Hospital.
All these developments, we were able to achieve because of the faith and confidence by our Donors in our management. We are highly indebted to all the Philanthropists who have come forward to develop this one and only Muslim Minority Charitable Hospital.
The Administrative report by the General Secretary and the Financial review by the Hony. Treasurer will give the deeper insight about the activities of the Hospital and the status of Finances.


Consultancy and Diagnosis

Our diagnostic health check methodology typically follows a three staged approach of Assessment, Diagnosis and Prescription.


Treatments and Surgeries

Advanced treatments and surgeries for a wide range of diseases with cheap hospital stays, affordable treatment cost and reasonable doctor’s fees.


Compassionate Nursing Care

Quality nursing care with competence and personal caring, supported by professionalism and delivered with an appropriate demeanor.